Tuesday, July 31, 2007

FOXNews.com - Ohio Mother Files Complaint Against Condo That Barred Young Kids From Pool - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
I've been teaching civil liberties and civil rights for about 16 years or so, and I would have sworn that potty training isn't mentioned in the Constitution. Somebody show me where it is.

AKRON, Ohio — An Akron mother and the Fair Housing Advocates Association have filed complaints against her condo association, charging that the group denied swimming pool use to children who are not potty trained. Suzanne Malcom filed complaints with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission this month after Seven Stories East Condominiums told her that her one-year-old son Lucas wasn't welcome in the outdoor pool, she said.

1 comment:

  1. No, Evan, I don't think potty training is in the Constitution, eihter. I thought I had a weird case re the FHA. This beats it.
