Monday, July 09, 2007

Fast-Growing Common Interest Developments Spurring
Cottage Industry for Homeowner Advocacy: Northwest Reporter

Fred Pilot sent this piece, which has a plug for Joyce Starr's self-help book, and also a few choice comments from yours truly if you keep reading:

Love 'em or loathe 'em – homeowner associations (HOAs) are a part of the everyday lives for a rising number of Americans. The growth of Common Interest Developments (CIDs) and "managed communities" is spurring the emergence of homeowner advocacy groups, watchdogs, legal specialists, books, blogs and other resources aimed at helping individual owners assert their constitutional and property rights. One such book is described by its author as "the first self-defense guide for condo and homeowner association members." Not surprisingly, Dr. Joyce Starr, the author/publisher, was inspired to share her experiences and insights after winning a two-year legal battle with her condo board involving toxic mold, whistle blowing and pets. "Defend Your Condo & Homeowners Rights! What You Must Do When the Board Turns Your Life Upside Down" is sold separately or as part of a trio of works on "homeowner defense strategies." In addition to the "Defend" title, the 3-part set includes "Creating Home Owner and Condo Association Documents: How to Protect Your HOA and Con-Dough" by David Goldenberg, Ph.D., and "Condo Board Elections Revolt," by Valmore Lucier, "the first Condominium Ombudsman in America." (For ordering information:

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