Friday, April 06, 2007

Florida attorney general orders Lauderdale condo to allow Jewish mezuzahs on doors: South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Here is another isolated anecdote that is totally unrepresentative of the Nirvana that is community association living. This time it's another chapter in the utterly brainless condo association war on mezuzahs, with the Florida AG weighing in heavily on the side of religious liberty. Apparently the association responded to the bad press by allowing the original complainant to have his mezuzah. The Florida AG says, no, everybody should have the same right.

Just in time for Passover, Laurie Richter won the right to keep her mezuzah on the doorpost of her rented Fort Lauderdale condominium. But that's not good enough for Attorney General Bill McCollum. He gave the association at The Port Condominium, in the 1800 block of Southeast 17th Street, until 5 p.m. today to change its rules so all its Jewish residents can hang mezuzahs...Neither condo board president Ronni L. Rosenberg nor association attorney Henry Howell Fox could be reached for comment. The association's rule prohibits anyone from attaching, hanging, affixing or displaying anything on the exterior walls, doors, balconies and windows, which are considered common property controlled by the association.

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