Sunday, April 01, 2007

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Zombies' bear down on Brisbane
Here is a new social movement that bears watching. Draft some anti-zombie covenants and ordinances before they parade through the streets of your neighborhood.

Horror film fans dressed up to look like an army of the undead have been stomping the streets of Brisbane, Australia, in an annual Zombie Walk. Spattered with fake blood and their faces painted a deathly white, the "Zombies" staggered across the city to the botanical gardens. The event originated in North America and is in its second year in Brisbane. Its website explains that it is not an April Fool's joke "but serious, in a flippant sort of manner". Zombie Walks in Canada and the US have attracted hundreds of revellers. An event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, drew nearly 900 "Zombies" in October 2006.


  1. I wonder how this relates to HOAs or Condos? Has any condo or HOA banned such political displays? If I were to march like this, in any adjacent city, I would have to apply for a parade permit, and in some of the cities it would likely be denied. As for my community association, I think my neighbors and I have regularly dragged little red wagons full of kids, dressed as knights, ladies in waiting, and other such fanciful things down the neighborhood streets, to the park and back. It was actually fun! Some of the more punk-ish young adults in the community congregate at the HOA park and look a lot like zombies, but no one seems to have outlawed them or asked the HOA to outlaw them.

  2. I never thought about it until you mentioned it, but these Goth kids do look a bit like zombies. Maybe it's from staying up all night drinking Monster energy drinks and Mountain Dew Code Red.
