Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Fred Pilot flagged this CCFJ story. It is just amazing, and you have to read it to see how public officials are abandoning HOA and condo residents to the tender mercies of their private governments. Embezzlement isn't a crime if it happens in an HOA...at least that seems to be the (amazing) message. So, asks Jan Bergemenn, does the same (il)logic hold true for murder?

"State laws that regulate homeowners associations lack criminal sanctions," Palm Beach County Assistant State Attorney Preston Mighdoll was quoted as saying in a recent article (Suit says Boca Rio funds misspent) about embezzlement in a homeowners' association.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, I find myself in agreement with Jan.

    This is a ridiculous position on the part of the Assistant State Attorney. Just because it is not specifically addressed in the community association law doesn't mean it is not addressed in the not-for-profit law (under which most associations are incorporated) or even the criminal code. Just laughable.
