Friday, March 16, 2007

Water-use restrictions start next week in South Florida: South Florida Sun-Sentinel
I think this will be the Summer of the Brown Grass in the sunshine state. All those common area open spaces will look like one of those orange pool tables they used to sell at Sears.

City inspectors, armed with citation books, will cruise the streets ready to pounce if they find a sprinkler operating illegally. Neighbors will be encouraged to rat each other out for watering on the wrong day. Helicopters will hover above farms and golf courses, taking satellite coordinates of pumps operating in violation of water-shortage orders. This is the new era of water restrictions. It begins next Thursday, when rules approved by the South Florida Water Management District take effect...Almost half of all drinking water in South Florida goes toward watering lawns, according to the district, which controls water supply and drainage for 16 counties in Central and South Florida. District officials said the restrictions may become permanent and that tougher rules may be necessary.

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