Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Homeowners' Assocaitions -- HB 391 DBPR STUDY
Jan Bergemann tells me that Jeb Bush vetoed a Florida version of UCIOA (see below) for lack of consumer protection. Here's CCFJ's writeup on it. I must say, I went through the so-called Homeowner Bill of Rights document that is supposed to make UCIOA more owner-friendly, and I don't see a whole lot of owner rights. It's like searching for a real piece of chicken in a bowl of canned chicken soup. Compare it with the AARP document drafted by David Kahne, which is a whole lot more aggressive in protecting owners.


  1. The correct name for this document is Homeowners Bill of Wrongs.


  2. I don't think we can expect much from the drafting committee of UCIOA. The drafting committee is restricted to lawyers. The ABA sponsor is a lobbiest for the CID/CA industry in Florida. There is no voice of consumer protection.

    I have written several times to the chairman of the drafting committee, the reporter for the committee and have provided reports to the UCIOA website. I have also made phone calls. Absolutely no response.

    The states that have adopted earlier versions of UCIOA have not had favorable results.
