Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Developer sues over subdivision delay
Nancy Levy wonders about this situation, and so do I. Tactics like this always make you think about SLAPP statutes. But it's hard to tell from one article.

A Royal Oak developer, already suing a citizens group for slander, has hit the city with a lawsuit over six months of delays in the controversial Maida Woods project...In September, a group of residents formed the Westland Homeowners Committee for Environmental Conservation and Smart Growth. The homeowners say the project will destroy the area that's home to many animals. The group claims the site contains more wetlands than thought, which has prompted officials to delay approval several times. An administrative law judge is set to settle the matter. Last week, developers sued the group for at least $25,000 -- or as much as $2 million -- claiming slander, trespass and conspiracy.

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