Sunday, March 18, 2007

Daily Herald | News: If you can run an HOA, why not a city?
Here's an interesting self-recommendation: an HOA president and a "life coach." That must be almost like having a job. But what is an "End Times Revival Center"? Who or what is going to be revived? If I recall the Book of Revelations, when the end times come there is already Somebody responsible for doing the reviving. Maybe the idea is you buy some revival insurance or something, in case you don't make the cut.

Six candidates are competing for three open seats on the Hanover Park village board...Toni Carter: age not given; executive administrator for End Times Revival Center, Schaumburg; founder of Empowered, a life coaching company. President, Hartford Square Homeowners Association; domestic violence victim’s advocate...
Carter.: I will bring the experience of running a homeowner’s association with an annual budget of close to $100,000 a year. Since our administration has been organizing and leading the directives in Hartford Square, we have saved over $51,000 in two years. Before our administration, the previous administration had not put one dime into our reserve account for several years.

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