Thursday, February 01, 2007

What happened to the American Homeowners Resource Center?
Several people have asked me what happened to the AHRC website at, which has been down for several days. The short answer is, I don't know. I have asked around but nobody else seems to know, either.

The mystery deepened when just a few days ago, right around the time of AHRC's site going down, a new website appeared called The "AHRC Exposed" site is basically an intense personal attack on Elizabeth McMahon, the prime mover of AHRC, and on AHRC itself, and asks for anybody who feels maligned by AHRC to email the site. Of course, AHRC's web site includes personal attacks on attorneys, property managers, and others who AHRC's correspondents feel have done homeowners wrong. They have gone after me at times for not towing the party line on foreclosure for unpaid assessments. So I guess you could look at this as tit for tat in one sense.

But at least we know who runs AHRC. Not so with "AHRC Exposed," which is one of those interesting websites that contains absolutely no information identifying the person or persons running it. It just sits there in cyberspace, slamming AHRC and the McMahons and asking for more negative information about them. Oh, and proclaiming that most people are very happy with their HOA, according to the Zogby study that CAI paid for. I have tried to find out whose site "AHRC Exposed" is. No luck yet. I have learned that the domain was registered by an organization called "Domains by Proxy" out of Scottsdale, Arizona. Here is the info that I have so far:

Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States

Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 14-Jan-04
Expires on: 14-Jan-08
Last Updated on: 14-Jan-07

If anybody knows more about this, let me know. The mystery deepens...


  1. It couldn't be our old friends from CAI or an affiliate biz/politician huh? It's amazing how little democracy we have left in the good ole USA. This war on the middle class by corporations will be stopped!!!

    Texas AHRC affiliate

  2. I'm tired of this gestapo type tactics being used to silence Americans in the courts and now on the net!!!

  3. Evan --

    It seems that I do recall a session at a recent Law Seminar that touched on this topic -- and the suggestion that one purchase such domain names, etc.

    I will go back and check it out... Maybe the info. you have provided has some sort of link to the program information?

  4. Evan,

    Here's a thought about AHRC going down. IMHO, I believe that CAI may have had something to do with it. If they did, here's what I propose:

    To me, the HOA issue is too big and too important to all homeowners to keep waiting around for AHRC to come back online -- especially since nobody seems to know exactly what happened.

    Perhaps we should start thinking about an "AHRC II" or something?

    Here's an idea. It seems to me that if Elizabeth didn't have backups for her AHRC programs in a safe-from-hackers place (if that's the problem), she was very foolish. IOW, I think she must have done such a thing.

    Thinking that, why couldn't she just let everything else go, for now, i.e., past written inputs from her readers and herself, and just bring the basic AHRC programs back online again? Her readers aren't going to go away -- at least not yet. They'll all come back to AHRC in a hurry.

    OTOH, she might be having some sort of serious legal or health (or other) difficulties that would prevent her from doing that. If that's the case, perhaps -- if she still has her basic AHRC programs intact -- some of us advocates could chip in our time and labor getting it back online and running it for her (the way she wants to run it) until whatever might be happening to her legally (or otherwise) is resolved and she's back on the job?

    I read somewhere that her husband wasn't well (?) and at first thought that maybe he got worse or something. But I don't think that she would take AHRC down for that, do you? Seems like she'd find someone else to run it for her, temporarily, while she takes care if her husband's immediate needs.

    I, for one, volunteer to help her get AHRC back online. But we need her help in doing that. Anybody out there know her personally?

    Jan Jackson
    Colorado HOA/CID homeowner advocate

  5. FYI -- This was posted today...

    Dear AHRC subscribers and friends:

    A recent break into several servers, included one on which the AHRC
    News Services websites were hosted.

    The providers and administrators are making progress on the work they
    need to do to get the websites back online shortly.

    We will keep you posted.

    Thank you for your patience.

    The Staff
    AHRC News Services

  6. Funny how quick some are to accuse others with no evidence to support their accusations. It's must be some kind of vast CAI conspiracy.

  7. Gee, "If the shoe fits - wear it!"
    Then, suggest, "vast conspiracy!"

    It seems to me this pre-mature SUGGESTION of where to place the blame, must have been based upon someones experience, or insight! If certain groups did not act like thugs, thieves, and swindelers, etc..., no one would suspect them!

    I guess "this shoe," appeared to someone to be, "CAI's size."
