Sunday, February 25, 2007 - Officials To Review Rat-Infested KFC Inspection
See my post criticizing the cozy relationship between the so-called "Health Department" of NYC and the infamous rat-infested KFC. Now check this out. The dump was inspected the day before CBS filmed rats doing half-gainers into tubs of extra crispy wings and running laps around the feet of horrified diners. Result: congRATulations! You pass the Health Department inspection! Read the comments of the "health department spokesman" who doesn't want to prejudge anybody or anything like that. Heaven forfend.

(CBS) NEW YORK Health officials are going to review the inspection of a Greenwich Village KFC/Taco Bell, which was completed one day before CBS 2 cameras caught dozens of rats scurrying across the store, jumping on tables, and climbing into food trays. "It doesn't look like the inspection that was done Thursday met our standards," said Geoffrey Cowley, a health department spokesman. "I don't want to prejudge that. We're concerned and we're going to carefully revaluate that inspection."

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