Sunday, February 11, 2007 | 02/11/2007 | `Nanny' bills: pitting safety against rights and liberties
Fred Pilot found this article talking about the same thing I've been noticing recently: all sorts of ridiculous paternalistic (or is "maternalistic" a better choice of words?) laws premised on the notion that we are all little children who need government to restrict our liberty and make all our decisions for us, so we don't hurt ourselves. I have linked HOA micro-management to this, but California's legislature and other policy-making bodies are getting into the act. Government as nanny:

SACRAMENTO - Ban parents from spanking their toddlers. Force restaurants to disclose calories on menus. Forbid school cafeterias from cooking with trans fats. Prohibit smoking on state beaches. Make homeowners switch to energy-efficient light bulbs. Legislators who have proposed these measures, mostly Democrats, seem to be on a tear in recent weeks, telling Californians, ``Hey, we know what's best for you -- and we're going to make sure you do it.'' But enough already, say opponents, mostly Republicans, who are increasingly railing against what they call ``frivolous'' proposals and embracing a term often repeated in the Capitol this legislative session: Nanny government.

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