Monday, February 05, 2007

Correspondence from Radburn, NJ
Radburn was the first American Garden City, built in 1928, and has served as a model for planned private communities ever since. Here's a note from Kathy Moore, a Radburnite presenting her perspective on about events there, with a link to two websites, one on each side. I don't have any first hand knowledge of this, but it looks like a significant conflict is under way:

Dear Evan,

Please let me introduce myself, my name is Kathy Moore
and I'm a resident of Radburn in Fair Lawn, NJ. I'm
also one of the 16 homeowners currently suing Radburn
to get all homeowners fair and open elections. I would
like to point you to our website, so that you can read the entire
saga if you like. Of course this is the point of view
of the 16 of us, but I feel it's more than fair and
balanced. At our last annual budget meeting this past
December we were told that we had $13,000 in reserves,
that is all a 77 year old association with a one
million dollar annual budget has in reserves! Yet our
current board and manager spend tens of thousands
annually on lawsuits suing homeowners over things like
pre-approved shutter colors. Radburn's founding
fathers would never approve of the way we are treated.
The manner that Radburn was set up in was to keep
corruption at bay. The exact opposite has happened. If
you need or would like any more information about
Radburn please do not hesitate to ask. Also you will
find many letters from the community with all points
of view on which is an arm of the
Radburn Association.

best regards,


1 comment:

  1. I'd like to point out that the Radburn board proceeded to take out a large loan specifically to "defend against lawsuits" then used a large portion of it to file a SLAPP against the 16 residents.
