Friday, February 09, 2007

BREITBART.COM - 'Doomsday vault' to resist global warming effects
I'll bet some folks have been wondering what connection I see between HOAs and global warming. Submitted for your consideration, as Rod Serling used to say, is this plan (construction to begin in March) for a sort of Arctic gated community to survive global warming. I think the designers have been reading old Superman comic books and got hung up on the Fortress of Solitude. And no, it's not for you and me. It's for seeds. And don't laugh or Gaia will get angry, and you wouldn't like her when she's angry.

An Arctic "doomsday vault" aimed at providing mankind with food in case of a global catastrophe will be designed to sustain the effects of climate change, the project's builders said as they unveiled the architectural plans.
The top-security repository, carved into the permafrost of a mountain in the remote Svalbard archipelago near the North Pole, will preserve some three million batches of seeds from all known varieties of the planet's crops.

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