Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ban Proposed On Walking While Talking, Listening To iPod - News
More nanny state nonsense, this time from the state of New York. Note the legislator's justification for this ridiculous proposal--people getting hit by cars because they aren't paying attention. He sees this as a problem that government should solve. I would just call it natural selection. People are getting double-teamed by public and private governments that seem to be competing with each other to see who can be the most intrusive and bothersome.

A state senator from Brooklyn said on Tuesday he plans to introduce legislation that would ban people from using an MP3 player, cell phone, Blackberry or any other electronic device while crossing the street in either New York City or Buffalo. NewsChannel 4 reported that Sen. Carl Kruger is proposing the ban in response to two recent pedestrian deaths in his district, including a 23-year-old man who was struck and killed last month while listening to his iPod on Avenue T and East 71st Street In Bergen Beach. "While people are tuning into their iPods and cell phones, they're tuning out the world around them," Kruger said. The proposed law would make talking on cell phones while crossing the street a comparable offense to jaywalking.

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