Saturday, February 03, 2007

"Al Gore is a Greenhouse Gasbag"
Here is a great article on global warming, based on a lengthy interview with University of Pennsylvania Professor of Geology Robert Giegengack, who actually knows a great deal about the subject, unlike Al Gore. Giegengack is not a zealot or a politician either. He is not even a Republican, having voted for Gore himself. But he tears Gore's propaganda film to pieces. Here's a snippet, which is especially significant because the ultimate bottom-line measure of global warming is sea level:

“Sea level is rising,” Giegengack agrees, switching off the sound. But, he explains, it’s been rising ever since warming set in 18,000 years ago. The rate of rise has been pretty slow — only about 400 feet so far. And recently — meaning in the thousands of years — the rate has slowed even more. The Earth’s global ocean level is only going up 1.8 millimeters per year. That’s less than the thickness of one nickel. For the catastrophe of flooded cities and millions of refugees that Gore envisions, sea levels would have to rise about 20 feet. “At the present rate of sea-level rise,” Gieg says, “it’s going to take 3,500 years to get up there. So if for some reason this warming process that melts ice is cutting loose and accelerating, sea level doesn’t know it. And sea level, we think, is the best indicator of global warming.”"

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