Sunday, January 21, 2007

Here, courtesy of Chris Casey, is a website devoted to establishing basic freedom of speech for residents of Virginia's HOAs. There is a bill, SB 964, in the Virginia state legislature that would prevent HOAs in VA from squelching political speech at campaign time. Of course, CAI's Virginia Legislative Action Committee is opposing it, saying, "Imagine the homes in your community taking on the appearance of a local state highway at election time!! Not a very pretty sight."

This is just shameful. To me, that statement says all you need to know about CAI's disdainful attitude toward democracy. This is an organization that started out in 1973 with a belief in participatory local democracy. Read their early publications. HOAs were to be all about re-creating the New England town meeting. But eventually CAI became entirely a trade association, and as it was taken over by lawyers and managers, CAI has become increasingly committed to replacing local democracy with top-down, authoritarian property management. That way, the professionals who constitute CAI become the real government of the nation's HOAs. The professionals know that the volunteer directors just don't have time or the expertise to do the job alone, and even if they can, they still can't command respect from the members without the constant threat of litigation by the association's attorney.

I hope this anti-democratic statement is brought to the attention of the state legislators who pay for all those campaign signs that offend CAI's delicate sensibilities at election time.


  1. The community association industry ironically enough doesn't get community. It cannot be established by fiat and enforcement. It is a cultural value that cannot be inculcated with restrictive private local government.

  2. Evan,

    I am sending CAI's position on campaign signs to ALL of the Arizona legislators. Thank you for the ammunition.

    Pat Haruff

  3. Congratulations Evan for letting everyone know about the bipolarism of CAI, with the "dark" side gaining control.

    What you are witnessing, as I written many times, is their desperate realization that "They are defending the indefensible." So, please let your legislators, the media and the public interest firms know what CAI has been saying for some time.

  4. Simply put, just like any other "organization" -- one "bad apple" CAN make the whole basket smell really, really rotten. (That doesn't necessarily mean that ALL the apples truly stink?)

    Having said that, is it any wonder that some of the "higher profile" members of CAI, such as Wayne Hyatt (a.k.a. "the world's leading HOA legal expert") appear to have to distanced themselves somewhat from this particular organization?

    Are some business members of CAI also literally "removing" their CAI affiliation, (stamps and logos) from their stationary?

    Trust me, even fellow "attorney members" of CAI (ie. particularly those who dare to advocate homeowner rights and/or increased consumer protections) are held up to public ridicule, by their peer professionals.

    I would sincerely urge folks to attend the CAI Annual Law Seminar and just listen for yourselves... (Remember the old riddle -- "Did you ever notice how 99% of attorneys can make even the "good ones" LOOK bad?")

    Legislators who dare to "meddle" in the HOA arena are similarly regarded as a "pain" -- due to the ongoing fear by the industry professionals of "the camel getting its nose under their proverbial HOA tent." (They might also be surprised to hear some of the derogatory comments made publicly about them by "industry professionals"?)

    As "clients," maybe some of the nation's HOA Board Members might also be VERY surprised to hear the way even THEY are made fun of by the VERY same industry "professionals" who allegedly "serve" their communities?

    Homeowners? According to one CAI Trustee "Every Association has AT LEAST one "PIA" -- and sometimes they are even on the Board!" (This comment was made DURING an "ethics" session...go figure?)

    No doubt, the founding fathers of CAI,clearly intended that EACH "stakeholder group" (including homeowners) have an EQUAL voice... even BEFORE a position was taken on legislative issues, etc. (Personally, I joined CAI, way back in the mid-80's -- when I still believed all that CAI advertised.)

    Thank God, the jig is FIANLLY up? CAI's claims (for many years) to be the "voice of homeowners" NOW has a very hollow ring?

    Hopefully, in the very near future, property owners WILL have a national organization to promote their interests -- (as CAI primarily promotes the conflicting interests of developers, builders, management companies, attorneys, etc. etc.)

    Thank you, Professor McKenzie, for promoting increased consumer awareness of the important issues related to private residential government.

