Friday, January 12, 2007

BREITBART.COM - Gated communities in Iraq? Well, sort of...
I heard about this from two Freds. Fred Pilot, who sent me the link, and economist Fred Foldvary, who is very intrigued by the use of "gated" (in this case, "bermed" would be a better description) neighborhoods as a solution to a whole lot of long as they are private communities:

Adapting ideas tracing back from ancient history to modern Israel, US Marines have sealed off flashpoint towns with sand walls in a new counter-insurgency tactic to quell the wilds of western Iraq. Driving across the desert to Haditha, one of the war's deadliest and most infamous battlefields, the grey plain suddenly collapses into a ditch and rises into an intimidating 12-foot (around four-metre) bank of bulldozed sand...Colonel W. Blake Crowe, the overall US commander for western Al-Anbar, calls them gated communities and likens them to the walls around Biblical Jericho. Tracy compares them to Neolithic barricades built to keep out nomadic invaders.

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