Saturday, January 13, 2007

Blair wants 'super-Asbos' for violent thugs - Sunday Times - Times Online
An ASBO is an "Anti-Social Behaviour Order," a legal device used in Great Britain to target "anti-social" people and order them not to do things that might be otherwise legal but in their case are likely threatening or otherwise disruptive to public peace and order. Now the idea is to expand this and target violent people with even more restrictive court orders. Would this approach be acceptable to the public in the US?

These new “super-Asbos” will be aimed not only at people who have a history of violent behaviour or who have just left prison but also those who may not yet have committed an offence. According to a Home Office document outlining the plan, to be published next month, the measures will ban potential trouble-makers from certain areas or mixing with certain people, alert police when they move house and possibly force them to live in a named hostel, give details of vehicles they own and impose a curfew on them.

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