Thursday, November 16, 2006

San Mateo Daily JournalBelmont is set to make history by becoming the first city in the nation to ban smoking on its streets and almost everywhere else.
The Belmont City Council voted unanimously last night to pursue a strict law that will prohibit smoking anywhere in the city except for single-family detached residences. Smoking on the street, in a park and even in one’s car will become illegal and police would have the option of handing out tickets if they catch someone.

So I guess the plan is for cities to ban smoking in public and apartment buildings, and then the condo associations ban smoking in condos, and the HOAs ban smoking in all the planned developments, and all the nicotine addicts will be competing for the remaining housing stock built before the 1970s. Is that about the size of it? Maybe the path to riches in real estate is buying up old single family homes and selling them to smokers.

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