Sunday, February 12, 2006

Windsor-Hights Herald - 02/10/2006 - Twin Rivers residents win battle; board to continue war
Nancy Levy sent this link to a good article on the aftermath of the Twin Rivers appellate court ruling. The HOA, despite having lost, says nothing is going to change. Their lawyer says if the plaintiffs don't like things the way they are, they should move. Charming. If I were going to appeal to the state Supreme Court, as the HOA says it will, I'd be a little more respectful of the judiciary. But this highlights is a major problem: HOAs routinely ignore their legal responsibilities. That's why owner-activists are so negative toward the entire institution. It always seems that there is no law HOA boards and their attorneys won't just ignore if it suits their purpose. That's because they are used to shooting fish in a barrel. 99% of the time these lawyers go up against unrepresented owners who can't enforce their legal rights. This situation breeds arrogance.

EAST WINDSOR — A group of Twin Rivers residents won a constitutional argument this week related to a lawsuit challenging, among other things, restrictions on posting political signs and a voting system based on property values.
But their lawsuit against the homeowners' association has yet to be finalized as it has been remanded to a lower court and the association plans to appeal to the state Supreme Court.
"If they're not happy with these policies," said association attorney Barry Goodman, "they should look elsewhere to live."... "Twin Rivers will continue to operate the way it has," he said. "It doesn't matter what standards apply, the Twin Rivers' regulations will be upheld."

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