Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Twin Rivers opinion: a big win for HOA residents in New Jersey
The opinion is here. I will have more to say after I read it more fully, but it is a definite win for the Committee for a Better Twin Rivers and for all New Jersey HOA residents.


  1. Now to get the Radburn (NJ) Association trustees to give up resisting PREDFDA compliance...

  2. Yes--good point. Check the New Jersey article I just linked. There is a group at Radburn that is looking at this case right now.

  3. The Radburn board has since ceded some ground on the PREDFDA-required issues of ADR and open meetings, but still refuses to accept the requirement of open nominations for Board, stating the business rule trumps all. In light of the fact that the voting members of the Association who control its membership consist of only 5% of adult residents of the property, does this constitute "reasonableness" of the controlling documents (by-laws)?
