Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Banner day for home rule
Couple not buying `For Sale' sign ban

Nancy Levy sent this link to another New Jersey story on freedom of expression, of a sort, in an HOA:

Planting a "For Sale" sign on the front lawn is one of the first things people do when they decide to sell their homes. It's practically the American way. But Joan and Kenneth Tencza, who live in the Locust Hill adult community in Hamilton, can't. Their homeowners association won't allow it. So after receiving two threatening letters from the association's management company -- one for posting a "For Sale" sign in their front window and another for a sign they put on Yardville-Hamilton Square Road, just outside the entrance to the development -- the couple has found an innovative way around the rules. They've hung a festive red and white flag outside their home to let people know the house is on the market.

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