Monday, November 28, 2005

Our Continental superiors leave the homeless to die in the streets?
People walk past as a homeless person takes cover from the cold on a Paris sidewalk November 28, 2005, as six homeless have died in France since the arrival of winter temperatures.
Mais non! This cannot be! First the riots in the suburbs, and now homeless corpses frozen to the sidewalk. I thought we boorish, selfish Americans were supposed to be taking instructions in social policy from Les Francais. And their enlightened approach was to be the core of the policies of the European Union, wasn't it?


  1. But for the charitable in these United States thousands more would die here. The cleanup would only be to arrest pleague.
    The days of concern of our fellow man have long past.

  2. I don't think the 2005 US welfare state should be underestimated. We are giving free breakfasts and lunches to an enormous number of school children, caring quite generously for the retired, giving free medical care to millions, and housing at public expense vast numbers of people. That only scratches the surface, too.
