Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Citizens tout neighborhood bill of rights
Nancy Levy sent this piece along, and it makes for fascinating reading.

A proposed “neighborhood bill of rights” is getting a warm reception from Santa Fe residents fed up with what they say are unanticipated developments, unwarranted infill and “rogue commerce” in their neighborhoods . The Public Works Committee on Monday endorsed the proposal after a dozen people, many of them officers in local neighborhood associations, spoke in favor of it... This resolution, sponsored by four of the eight councilors, says each neighborhood has a right to: Determine its own character and quality of life. Be a safe, healthy place to live and raise families. Have an equitable share of city services and capital improvements. Have adequate notice and timely information on decisions affecting it. Have input into city decisions affecting it. Have the city protect residents’ fiscal and “emotional” investments. The resolution would direct city staff to ensure neighborhoods and developers get equal consideration in the development-review process, to assist neighborhoods in developing plans, to determine their character and needs, and to enforce all sections of city code that protect residents against hazards and nuisances.

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