Monday, August 01, 2005

A note from Marjorie Murray on the legislative situation in California
Evan -- thanks for posting the CID Homeowner Bill of Rights, sent to the California Law Revision Commission in 2001 by the CID Bill of Rights Coalition.

I just re-read the document on your website and am gratified to see how closely our Coalition has adhered to these basic principles when fighting for good legislation in Sacramento -- legislation that either creates new rights for homeowners or expands and protects existing rights.

This session, for example, the Coalition is sponsoring legislation
[SB 137/Ducheny] to restrain the use of foreclosure to collect assessments and legislation [AB 1098/Jones] to expand the rights of homeowners to inspect and copy financial records. The California Research Bureau reported in 2002 that California's 37,000 associations collect more than $207 million annually in homeowner assessments. However, HOAs either don't report at all how they spend this money or else they report it inaccurately. According to the insurance industry itself, up to 20% of all lawsuits filed by California homeowners against HOAs are for financial mismanagement -- or outright fraud.

The CID industry is fighting both SB 137 and AB 1098 tooth and claw through statewide campaigns.

Both bills will go to floor votes after the Legislature reconvenes from summer recess on August 15.

Please feel free to post this letter on your blog.

Best regards --

Marjorie Murray
Legislative Advocate/CID Housing
Chair, Bill of Rights Coalition
3758 Grand Avenue, Suite 35
Oakland, California 94610

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