Saturday, July 30, 2005 - Malibu's rich and famous fight to keep beach private
Mystery Reader points out that today's story about the Michigan Supreme Court mandating public access to the Great Lakes shoreline, across private property, is reminiscent of this blast from the recent past about the Hollywood/Malibu set trying to keep the great unwashed off their coastline.

MALIBU, Calif. — A tide of ordinary people is lapping at the secluded beaches of the rich and famous. Malibu, a 27-mile strip of spectacular coastline northwest of Los Angeles, has been resisting encroachment by average folks for decades. A retreat for Barbra Streisand, Tom Hanks, Dustin Hoffman, Robert Redford, Goldie Hawn, Pierce Brosnan and scores of other Hollywood stars, Malibu has come to connote entertainment royalty watching Pacific sunsets from exclusive sands. Privacy means a lot to celebrities, and they have achieved it by walling off luxurious oceanfront hideouts worth up to $15 million. Now, state officials are moving to assert the public's right to share Malibu's vistas.

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