Sunday, June 19, 2005 - News - Masked Men Rob Elderly Couple At Their Casselberry Condo
As Nancy Levy observes, this sort of thing undermines the "security" claims many gated community developers like to make.

Police are searching for two masked men in Casselberry who they say robbed a 70-year-old man inside his own home.According to the Casselberry Police Department, around 8 o'clock Friday morning, two men, wearing dark clothing from head to toe, forced their way into a fifth floor condo unit at Carmel By The Lake. Police say, the man and woman who live in the particular unit are in their 70s. The suspects were hiding in the stairwell when the elderly man opened the door to go to an appointment. They pushed him back inside, shoved the woman to the ground and took an undisclosed amount of jewelry, including the jewelry the victims were wearing. The Carmel By The Lake condos are gated. There's only one way in and one way out.

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