Sunday, June 12, 2005

Residents want say in subdivision group
Fred Pilot sends this story about a developer who seems reluctant to give up control of an HOA, far beyond the 3 years or 75% sold time limit imposed by state law. This is about ten miles from where we live, up here in Lake County, IL:

ROUND LAKE — Homeowners want control — control of their homeowners' associations, that is. More than a dozen residents from the Remington Trail subdivision showed up at Monday's Village Board meeting to ask for board help gaining control of their association from the developer. "We would appreciate any help you could provide," said John Gutknecht, alleging the association is being mismanaged by three employees from Remington Homes. "They've been totally inadequate to respond to us," Gutknecht said, adding association control was promised to the homeowners once 90 percent of the homes in the development were sold. "They have been at 89 percent for the last two years," Gutknecht said. Gutknecht presented a petition which he said had 33 signatures. With the 15 residents in the audience, he said, that represented 55 percent of Remington Trail owners. By state law, Gutknecht said, the turnover percentage should be at 75 percent sold or after three years, not 90 percent and five years.

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