Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Governor signs new condo laws - 2005-06-03
A Nancy Levy/Fred Pilot submission about action in Hawaii. There's something about the name "Linda Lingle" that sounds like a character in a comic book. Lois Lane, Peter Parker...and now Linda Lingle.

Gov. Linda Lingle signed two bills on Thursday that make some major changes to condominium laws...[Act 93]expands the types of disclosures that sellers must make, specifying the contents of the developer's report and clarifying requirements for binding sales contract.
The act clarifies the basis upon which a buyer can rescind a condominium sales contract.
The act also provides condo associations the power to evict a tenant if a tenant violates rules, even if the owner fails to do so, after notice and a reasonable opportunity to be heard.
Act 92, the second bill the Gov. Lingle signed, allows a broader range of condominium disputes to be heard by a dispute resolution pilot program in the state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.

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