Wednesday, June 01, 2005

City To Rewrite Code After Cruiser Conflict - Yahoo! News
Because of this supremely idiotic HOA behavior, the city is going to change the city code section that these jokers claim they are "enforcing." Check out the real reason for this ridiculous behavior. Thanks to Fred Pilot for the link.

During his off-duty hours, a Miami Beach police officer parks his cruiser in front of his home in Carlton Ranches in Davie. More than a week ago, Local 10 Problem Solver Jeff Weinsier reported that the Carlton Ranches Association board wants that police car out of sight. The association said that it classifies the car as a commercial vehicle, and because of that classification, they will not allow the car to be parked in a driveway overnight. The officer disagreed -- so the association assessed residents of the community $350 each to take the fight to court. They even assessed the officer himself...Council Member Susan Starkey said, "I believe it's insane."...The association members say that they think the cruiser creates a perception of a crime problem and would bring property values down.

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