Monday, May 30, 2005

Will patriotism trump condo association anti-flag rules? Bill would allow all Pennsylvanians to fly the American flag -- even if it's against homeowners' association regulations

From Fred Pilot--and some pungent remarks from Mr. Clifford G. Hughes:

Hughes, a Marine Corps vet who served during World War II and the Korean conflict, said if he and his fists were a few decades younger, they'd take the folks from Forest Glenn out back and teach them a lesson. "I'm sorry, but I'm not going to have some jerk tell me I can't fly the flag," said Hughes, 81. "This is, I think, still America." Forest Glenn's bylaws say that condo owners can fly the flag only on six holidays, including Memorial Day. But Hughes says a condo owner ought to be able to display the colors year-round.
------- Hughes' request, state Rep. Mark Mustio, R-Moon, has introduced a bill that would give Pennsylvanians the right to fly the U.S. flag, and state and military flags, even if the person has signed a homeowner's agreement forbidding flag display.

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