Sunday, May 01, 2005 bills in trouble?

You have to scroll down to find this, and I don't know if it is on the money or not:
HOA mediation bills run out of gas

At times, homeowners associations and residents are at odds with one another. Some of these disputes escalate into crisis mode, erupting into mini-battles behind what should be the gates of tranquility.
Two bills are now circulating in the Legislature to create the first ever state ombudsperson office that would provide mediation for problems, training for board members and information for HOA residents.Great idea. Unfortunately, the bills have already hit a snag. Californians living in HOAs are going to have to wait at least another year - or maybe two - for any possible state help with problems. At issue is the proposed $5 fee on homeowners to support the office and the lack of enforcement powers.OK, so address the issues and move forward with a modified plan - or shore up what you have. Don't let HOAs and residents flounder in a sea of disputes. They need help.

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