Friday, May 06, 2005

Ribbons divide SR homeowners
Fred Pilot sent this along from California--tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree, and your condo association comes after you...

When Dave Pinsky's son was shipped to Iraq with the Air Force Reserves the day after Christmas, the concerned father put up yellow ribbons in front of his Santa Rosa condominium.The ribbons, which the Vietnam veteran and sympathetic neighbors placed on the outside of their Fountaingrove condos and tied around trees, represented their hope that Senior Master Sgt. Brian Pinsky would return safely to the United States.But that gesture landed Pinsky and his neighbors, Bob and Barbara Abbott, in hot water with the board of directors of the Stonefield Condominium Homeowners Association...One Stonefield resident, who did not want to be identified, said the ribbons made the area look like a used car lot.

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