Sunday, May 15, 2005

North Jersey Media Group: Standoff in Passaic: Home stormed over code violations!'s another example of the phenomenon mentioned immediately below--are municipal officials feeling pressured to keep up with HOAs in enforcement of property maintenance standards?

PASSAIC - A crackdown on city housing violations escalated into a standoff Monday when a homeowner refused to cooperate, prompting authorities to call in a SWAT team, one that broke down a door and shot her with non-lethal weapons. Code enforcement officials arrived about noon, wanting to talk about, among other things, broken windows and a deteriorating porch - violations written three months ago, said Community Development Director Donald Van Rensalier. It just so happened that 109 Quincy St. was smack in the middle of an area targeted in Operation Clean Sweep, one of the mayor's initiatives to rid the city of substandard housing.

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