Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Median price for S.D. home: $593,000
And half the homes in the entire state of California now cost more than $509,000. Well, there is always the option of not having kids (see below, re San Francisco)...
The median price of an existing home in San Diego County was $593,600 in April, slightly higher than the previous month and up 12.6 percent from a year ago, a real estate group reported today...In neighboring Orange County, the median price for an existing home last month was $682,200, a 2.2 percent increase from March, when the median price was $667,200. The median price rose 5.7 percent from $645,590 in April 2004...Statewide, the median price of an existing home in April was $509,230, marking the first time the median cost has topped the half-million-dollar mark, according to CAR President Jim Hamilton.

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