Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Homeowners liable for stormwater?
Thanks to Fred Pilot for forwarding this link. More municipal mandates requiring developers to create HOAs, because municipalities want the HOAs to do what would otherwise be their responsibility. Nothing like forcing these "volunteers" to work for nothing, is there? And if it leads to creating another level of government that operates without constitutional limits and is loaded with people who have no idea what they're doing, well, that's the way the cookie crumbles, I guess...

The Fayette County Commission may soon make homeowners’ associations mandatory for all new subdivisions in the county. That’s one of the options the county’s leaders are considering to comply with tough new storm-water management requirements established by the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District. Phil Mallon, who works in the county’s engineering department, briefed the board on the preferred option. He suggested that all inspection and maintenance of any storm-water collection areas, such as detention ponds, be placed with the subdivision’s homeowners’ association. The county would monitor the group’s compliance with the ordinance and if the group failed to maintain standards, each homeowner would be assessed for the county’s work on their next tax bill.

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