Tuesday, May 31, 2005

From Illinois: Bill requires homeowners associations to alert members of meetings

Does it seem at all strange to anybody else that the state legislature has to force HOAs to do this?

A bill by state Rep. Jack Franks, D-Woodstock, could force homeowners associations to be more open by requiring them to notify members of upcoming meetings. The bill, which passed the Illinois House unanimously May 19, would make association boards publicize meetings by notifying their members by mail, delivery or posting at least 48 hours before convening.

1 comment:

  1. "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."
    -- Henry Thoreau

    It seems strange that -- while so many of the state legislatures are continually hacking at the branches of HOA ills -- none of them is even looking at the root -- much less striking at it.

    But that's all the industry will let 'our' elected government officials even consider addressing, in earnest.

    The politicians get favorable media coverage, for doing little or nothing; most people think that the legislators are doing something; and the root causes of the problems remain.

    "My emphasis is on the fact that particular forms of CID housing with obvious deficiencies have been replicated endlessly ..." -- Evan McKenzie, Privatopia, 28.
