Sunday, April 24, 2005

Walk your dog 3 times a day or be fined - Pets -
Another HOA gone mad? No. This is the city of Turin, Italy. I think any government agency is capable of meddlesome lunacy unless some areas of life are put off limits. That's why the basic structure of American government works so well--all powers of government are subject to a set of "off limits" rules called civil liberties. HOAs--and Italian towns--would work better if they were limited in the same way.
Dog owners in Turin will be fined up to 500 euros ($650) if they don’t walk their pets at least three times a day, under a new law from the city’s council.People will also be banned from dyeing their pets’ fur or “any form of animal mutilation” for merely aesthetic motives such as docking dogs’ tails, under the law about to be passed in the northern Italian city. “In Turin it will be illegal to turn one’s dog into a ridiculous fluffy toy,” the city’s La Stampa daily reported.

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