Friday, April 01, 2005

Thoughts after taping CNN "Open House"
The show will be broadcast on Saturday, 4/2 at 9:30 eastern time. What does that mean in other time zones? I don't know. This was "taped live," which means the show is taped in its entirety and then broadcast later without editing. I guess they can show it at any time they want, in any time zone.

There are three sections. The first is on whether there is a housing price "bubble," and it is a provocative one that I want to listen to again. (I say listen because I was in a different city--Chicago-- listening through an earpiece. The hose, Gerri Willis, was in New York. I don't know where the two guests were.) The HOA segment is second. It starts with a horror story, then a comment from (if I recognized the voice correctly) Frank Rathbun of CAI, and then they go to me for the rest of the segment. I thought Gerri Willis did a good job of moving it along, but I wish we had more time (the college professor's eternal lament, I know, I know).

I think business shows like this are pitched at a higher intellectual level than any other television except PBS documentaries. The normal TV approach is "Are HOAs GOOD OR BAD, professor???!!!" Here we got a chance to talk about the pros and cons a little.

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