Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Reports blasts state condo agency on handling of complaints
The state's condominium owners aren't being served by the agency that is supposed to watch out for them, according to a newly released report by the Legislature's watchdog agency. State officials on Tuesday lauded the yearlong investigation, which said the Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums & Mobile Homes takes too long to act on complaints filed by condo owners and needs to take stronger action against boards that violate condo law. The state Office of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability also said the division should more frequently use mediation instead of more-costly arbitration to resolve disputes between owners and boards. "It explains what we have known all along, that there are major problems in the [division] that need to be addressed immediately," said state Rep. Julio Robaina, R-Miami, who chaired the committee last year that resulted in the investigation.

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