Saturday, April 30, 2005

Legal Tales from Gilligan's Island
This is a law review article. One of the few worth reading. Santa Clara Law Review Volume 39, Number 1 (1998).

Gilligan's Island, a 1960s comedy, ranks among the most influential television shows of all time. Despite the fact that the last original episode aired thirty years ago, the show is more popular now than when it first appeared. Each day, reruns bring the characters back to life, and it is claimed that the show has been presented more often than any other television comedy.
Although the series has been the subject of numerous studies, its legal facets are almost never mentioned. As a result, even the show's most ardent fans are rarely mindful of just how much law appeared in the series. Accordingly, this essay seeks to shed some light on the jurisprudence of Gilligan's Island.

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