Sunday, April 24, 2005

...and see the comments on foreclosure from attorney David Kahne...
From the article linked below:

David Kahne, a Houston attorney who represents homeowners, has been at the forefront of a Harris County-based movement to curb overzealous homeowner associations. Some homeowners accused Houston law firms of operating foreclosure mills...Kahne helped pass legislation in 2001 that prevented associations from initiating a foreclosure solely on the basis of deed restriction fines and attorneys' fees. But some associations then paid disputed fines with funds intended for annual assessments. The remainder of the check would be short of the assessment amount, he said, and the association would use that as an excuse to initiate foreclosure. Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio, has introduced a bill that says payments shall first be applied to delinquent assessments, then current assessments. Only after assessments are paid can the association apply payment to fines. The attorney gets paid last. Kahne, who testified in favor of the bill before the Senate Intergovernmental Relations Committee, is optimistic it will pass. The bill came out of committee without amendments, has picked up four co-authors and has a companion bill in the House.

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