Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Privatopia Papers now open for comments go ahead and post them.


  1. The media quickly grows cold on incidents that just repeat without anything significantly new happening. Homeowner rights advocates and homeowners who feel wronged must present events of new news. Complaints of boards not following the governing documents are growing old, and even those of poor widows being evicted by homneowner associations.

    I believe we must get the media's attention by raising the level of complaints to the much broader issues that DO exist across the country. For example, tell the reporter that you want the governor or the attorney general to explain why the government is not protecting homeowners from abuse.

    We need to stop tip-toeing around afraid of getting these parties upset. Homeowners should demand explanations and publicize them to the media. In Arizona, we failed to publicize the legislature's refusal to provide for due process protections by having a JP decision as to the validity of an alleged violation of HOA rules. The reason given: because with all those complaints it would be too costly and would swamp the courts.

    Or why the real estate department refuses to inform the public about the new HOA disclosure law relating to loss of homestead protection.

    The media will listen to valid and substantiated complaints.

  2. I think HOAs and the problems therein do not get enough coverage in mainstream media! If it weren't for the internet, I'd still be thinking it's only me, and why did they decide not to like me? With 50 + million Americans already living in these gestapo communities, America is in a real danger of losing property rights altogether. Not losing them to the government, God Bless the ACLU, but to the Corporate Powers. When that happens, we all really will "owe our souls to the company store". I believe a National Homeowners Bill of Rights would be the Best Solution. Or simply an Amendment to the Constitution, that states, "No Entity, May usurp, or negate any rights that are contained within the Bill of Rights; No Citizen, may give up these rights by contract or any other means"

    Just my thoughts on the issue.

    My Name is Rauni
    and my email address is:

  3. I think HOAs and the problems therein do not get enough coverage in mainstream media! If it weren't for the internet, I'd still be thinking it's only me, and why did they decide not to like me? With 50 + million Americans already living in these gestapo communities, America is in a real danger of losing property rights altogether. Not losing them to the government, God Bless the ACLU, but to the Corporate Powers. When that happens, we all really will "owe our souls to the company store". I believe a National Homeowners Bill of Rights would be the Best Solution. Or simply an Amendment to the Constitution, that states, "No Entity, May usurp, or negate any rights that are contained within the Bill of Rights; No Citizen, may give up these rights by contract or any other means"

    Just my thoughts on the issue.

    My Name is Rauni
    and my email address is:
