Monday, December 06, 2004

Macomb Daily : Marine Corps flag dispute goes to court 12/06/04
A circuit court judge today may decide whether a Macomb Township man can continue flying a U.S. Marine Corps flag at his condominium. The Windmere Common I Association is seeking a preliminary injunction against John and Joanne O'Brien to remove the flag, which is attached to the front of the garage, an alleged violation of the association's by-laws.

O'Brien "delivered a flier explaining the situation to all 92 units and no one has indicated they oppose his flag." But, predictably, the association attorney makes the slippery slope argument--if this is allowed then we'll have a Klingon flag next, yada, yada, yada. "You start down that slippery slope," he said. "Someone could display the flag of the Taliban, Iraq, the Viet Cong or Nazis." Right. I'm sure there's a whole line of fascist just waiting to put up their favorite flag if the USMC banner is allowed to remain.

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