Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Gov. Bush taps retired Fort Lauderdale doctor/lawyer as state's condo ombudsman
Fred Pilot sent along this article about the new Florida condo ombudsman. Note the part about the "bitter dispute" with his own association.

A retired Fort Lauderdale doctor and lawyer has been chosen to serve as the first condominium ombudsman in the nation, a position that will require him to educate more than 1 million condo owners and to resolve disputes with their 17,000 associations.

The appointment of Virgil R. Rizzo, 67, who is in the middle of a bitter lawsuit with his own condo association, was announced Monday by Gov. Jeb Bush.

The Florida Legislature created the position earlier this year over the objection of many condo lawyers and directors. Supporters of the law said they would try to add homeowner associations to the ombudsman's jurisdiction at the legislative session that begins in March.

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