Sunday, December 12, 2004

Flashback to 2003: Nevada HOA ombudsman was also "flooded" with complaints
I mentioned below that Mary Lynn Ashworth and Eldon Hardy were ombudspersons for the State of Nevada long before Florida ever thought of creating such an office. Note the similarity in press coverage when Hardy took over from Mary Lynn:

Home sour home
State ombudsman flooded with homeowner association woes

By Larry Wills

On Eldon Hardy's office wall is a list of rules for kindergarten kids on how to behave: Be nice to each other. Don't hit people. Put things back where they belong. Hold hands when you go outside. Hardy, as the state's ombudsman for homeowners' associations, wishes more people would follow those rules. If so, his job would be much easier. But they obviously don't. Hardy's office has grown from three people in 2001 to an authorized 11 staffers this year, with a caseload that's approaching 300. It seems to be the fastest-growing office in state government. He points to a six-inch stack of phone logs, documenting an average of 80 complaints a day from homeowners about their associations. In a three-week period, he personally answered 1,280 calls. "We hear from about 10 percent of the homeowners' associations," says Hardy, a nationally certified arbitrator. "Some associations have as many as seven homeowners filing complaints."

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