Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Debris Removal A No-Brainer
Florida newspaper weighs in on the side of gated communities in FEMA debate:

FEMA's official policy maintains that gated communities are private property and removing their debris "does not necessarily serve the public interest" because their mountains of storm debris don't really pose a hazard to the "community at large." Does that mean people living in hundreds of gated communities across South Florida are not part of the "community at large," merely because they enjoy the extra security of a guarded entrance? Does their choice to throw up a gate and their agreement to maintain the roads behind it make them immune from disasters that know no such borders? Hardly. Buying a home, whether it be in a homeowner's association without walls or one guarded by a gate, should not limit its owner from inclusion in society, or from federal aid for legitimate needs. Removing storm debris, especially in genuine disaster areas, certainly applies.

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