Saturday, December 04, 2004

Daily Herald:Deer hunt opponents find holes in plan
By Joseph Ryan Daily Herald Staff Writer
Posted Saturday, December 04, 2004
North Barrington trustees on the short end of a village board vote to allow bow hunting in a gated subdivision are making a last-ditch lobbying effort to reverse the move.

Trustees Kim Forman and Kelly Mazeski are calling into question what they considered a key assertion by hunting proponents: that Wynstone's deer were locked in the subdivision by its wrought-iron fences.

They have provided the Daily Herald with pictures they say are of broken fences at Wynstone, and they plan to use them to convince the board to revote this week to reject the hunt.
Wynstone leaders said there are at least 40 deer in a forested area of the subdivision. They said the deer cannot easily leave, and therefore bow hunting 20 would sufficiently thin the herd to reduce problems.

Forman and Mazeski said the holes they found - one from a removed post and two existing under the fence - allow deer to move freely, making the count void and lowering the chance a hunt would stop the deer problems.

Wynstone president Richard Scobee said Friday he believes the holes were created by residents that want deer to enter the subdivision. He said the fences are checked weekly by maintenance workers.


So maybe even a deer can wander at will in and out of Wynstone. If so, I should think that a burglar wouldn't find such security much of an obstacle.

Interesting dispute, and it may support a point that many people have made about gated communities. Most of them aren't really much more secure than anyplace else. The security is more of an image than a reality, and would not keep out a determined intruder. This is a psychological thing, a sort of security blanket, for people who seek out these compounds. These places appeal to people with a strong sense of territoriality, who want to control their space.

By the way, there's hardly any crime in the entire Barrington area, for many miles around. It's not like they needed to fence out Alaric the Visigoth and his hordes.

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