Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Boing Boing: Tokyo's Nakagin capsule tower
Now, that's what I call high-density living. Someday, will we all be living like this? Is this the ultimate condo? From our Mystery Reader and Contributor, a fascinating sight from Japan: a capsule building.

Built from 1970 and opened in 1972 the Nakagin Capsule Tower was a innovative masterpiece by architect Kisho Kurokawa. Kurokawa developed the technology to install the 2.3m x 3.8m x 2.1m sized capsule units into a concrete core with only 4 high-tension bolts, making the units detachable and replaceable. The capsules were designed to accommodate the individual as either an apartment or studio space, and by connecting units they could also accommodate a family. Complete with appliances and furniture, from audio system to telephone, the capsule interior was pre-assembled in a factory off-site and then hoisted by crane and fastened to the concrete core shaft.

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